SSA PeopleOps Suite: The ultimate human resource management system

SSA PeopleOps Suite is a people operations platform intended for use by companies from different industries and business domains that Recruit, Hire and Collaborate with highly skilled specialists:

IT professionals engineers managers scientists doctors financial consultants accountants analysts education professionals directors officers proprietors inspectors judges and lawyers designers architects marketing and media specialists

SSA PeopleOps Suite functionality covers HR management, CV and Competency Wizards, Tests, Subscriptions, People Search, numerous reports for business administration, Dashboard and Analytics as well as AI Tools including Smart Team Setup based on technical and psychological match and CV2Vacancy Fuzzy Match.

Both the UI and business logic can be customized depending on industry specifics and client needs.

Product scope and its current status

Dashboard & Analytics

Dashboard & Analytics

Dashboard & Analytics

A set of widgets presenting company performance indicators such as:

  • Headcount
  • Hired/fired
  • Staff turnover
  • Employee lifespan
  • Employee gender ratio
  • Employee age
  • Projects
  • Departments
  • Technology corporate profile




The profiles of both current and fired personnel including their general and personal information, education, skills, languages, work experience, project records, courses and trainings, certificates, assessments, assigned inventory, related documents, notes and comments history.

The Suite supports a number of key HR management activities:

  • Onboarding
  • Offboarding
  • Assessment
  • Personal Development Plan


People Search

People Search

People Search

Multi-criteria boolean search allowing to use any combination of the following attributes: technology proficiency level and experience, location, certification, position, seniority level, languages, companies, education (institution, degree, specialization), etc.

Competency Wizard

Competency Wizard

Competency Wizard

Competency is a combination of theoretical knowledge in specific knowledge areas and topics as well as skills in technology domains and particular tools and technologies.

The competencies are covered with tests of different complexity depending on seniority level.

The competencies aim to automate the assessment of the expertise of personnel during the hiring process, regular assessments and promotions.

The Wizard can be configured using industry and company specific knowledge areas, topics, technology domains, tools, technologies and tests.

Competency Wizard




The module comprises three components:

  • Test Manager - for test configuration and updates
  • Test Desk - user interface for personnel
  • Test Dashboard & Analytics - for tracking progress and results




The list of company projects including their:

  • Department
  • Team members
  • Description
  • Start date
  • End date


CV Wizard

CV Wizard

CV Wizard

A tool enabling parsing, information management, generation and preview of the CV of the consultant.

Key highlights:

  • CV parsing using ChatGPT
  • Flexibility in terms of show/hide options
  • CV generation based on corporate template in DOC, PDF or HTML
  • PIN-protected online CV access




The module generates a number of frequently used HR forms based on templates:

  • Candidate Questionary
  • Consultant Assessment
  • Consultant Engagement
  • Client Feedback
  • P2P Review
  • Termination Checklist





A bunch of reports providing insights for better business administration.

Staff quantity analytics: headcount, hired and fired employees, staff turnover, staff growth.

Operational management: full-time and part-time contractors, production and administrative staff, fired employees by reasons & seniority, utilization of resources, bench.

Strategical management: departments analytics, competencies analytics, seniority level, education level, certified employees, English level ratio.

Staff general info such as gender, age, children and following notifications: anniversaries, birthdays, trial period, assessments.

AI Tools

AI Tools

AI Tools

A set of AI-tools accelerating company efficiency while hiring personnel and launching new projects:

  • Smart Team Setup - for team formation based on technical and psychological match of the consultants
  • CV2Vacancy Fuzzy Match - for automated ranking of a group of the consultants based on the percentage of match between their CVs and a vacancy

AI Tools




The list of open positions in a company including:

  • Title
  • Intro text
  • Work mode
  • Location
  • Project description
  • Technology stack
  • Project team
  • Candidate requirements
  • Will be a plus section
  • Certificates
  • Project benefits
  • Responsibilities
  • Hiring manager
  • Video
  • Related Case Studies
  • Podcast

The information of this module is accessible through the API for integration with a corporate website and other platforms.




Inventory and management of software subscriptions used by company staff. The functionality also helps to plan and control the expenses.

Each subscription has an administrator who is responsible for its continuation or cancellation.

There is an option to indicate whether subscription costs are supposed to be compensated by a third-party.

Once the subscription is set up, the system monitors it and sends automatic notifications of upcoming billing and expiration dates, reaching budget or user limits, etc.

The list of attributes includes:

  • Title
  • URL
  • Planned and actual costs
  • Start date
  • Billing date
  • Expiration date
  • Payment period (monthly, quarterly, annually)
  • Type (individual, shared, corporate)


User management

User management

User management

The system supports a number of user roles with different access levels and permissions:
  • Admin
  • Business Administrator
  • People Partner
  • Business Development Manager
  • Head of Department
  • Project Manager
  • Hiring Manager
  • Accountant
  • Security Officer




A number of dictionaries including Seniority levels, Specialties, Tools and technologies, Positions, Competencies, Departments, Companies, Languages, Cities, Offices, Universities, Certificates, Certificate issuers, Courses and trainings, Course and training providers.

The dictionaries can be customized based on industry specifics and company needs.


Multilingual support

Multilingual support

Multilingual support

The UI language is English by default but can be customized upon request.


On-premise edition
People search
Competency Wizard
In Progress
In Progress
CV Wizard
AI Tools
In Progress
In Progress
In Progress
Dashboard & Analytics
User management
Multilingual support
English, other languages upon request
Standard integrations
Custom integrations
Upon request
Custom features
Upon request
Price, monthly
Starts from 3000 EUR



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